1.1 Primary Brandmark
The primary brandmark consists of two elements 1) the torch and 2) the logotype (RFE/RL's English Language brandmark is shown below). These two elements should always appear together. However, there are a few exceptions that are mentioned later
(see Avatar).
This brandmark was designed with aspects such as spacing, proportion and orientation in mind and should never be typeset, recreated, or altered in any way other than displayed here.
Please note > In use cases where the maximum height of the brandmark is less than 14 mm / 40px, the compact brandmark must be used.
1.7 Background Usages
It is essential for the brandmark to maintain legibility by having high contrast with the background, therefore we have created a scale to follow.
The primary brandmark is used only on white and up to a 30% black background.
On a 40% to 100% black background, use the white brandmark option.
2. Supergraphic
The RFE/RL supergraphic consists of the torch element properly scaled, cropped and positioned for use as a background graphic element. It is used to unify products for print materials, web applications, video, PowerPoint presentations, and
other digital applications.
- The brandmark should always accompany the supergraphic, it may never appear on its own.
- Never manipulate an individual piece of the element or use only a very small portion of the supergraphic so it is no longer recognizable as the torch element.
The supergraphic crop can slightly vary depending on dimensions of the artboard. For guidance, find below four recommended applications of the supergraphic in both landscape and portrait.
4.1 Latin and Cyrillic Scripts
4.1.1 Skolar
Used for latin or cyrillic language services: Afghan ENG, Armenian RU, Azeri, Azeri RU, Balkan, Belarus, Crimean UA, Crimean RU, Crimean TA, English, Georgian RU, Hungarian, Kazakh, Kazakh RU, Kosovo, Kyrgyz, Kyrgyz RU, Macedonian, Moldovan, North
Caucasus AV, North Caucasus CH, North Caucasus CI, Romanian, Russian, Tajik, Tajik RU, Tatar Bashkir, Turkmen, Ukrainian and Uzbek.
Skolar PE Light Latin
Skolar PE Light Cyrillic
Skolar PE Light italic Latin
Skolar PE Light italic Cyrillic
Skolar PE Regular Latin
Skolar PE Regular Cyrillic
Skolar PE Regular italic Latin
Skolar PE Regular italic Cyrillic
Skolar PE Bold Latin
Skolar PE Bold Cyrillic
Skolar PE Bold italic Latin
Skolar PE Bold italic Cyrillic
4.1.2 Skolar Sans
Used for latin or cyrillic language services: Afghan ENG, Armenian RU, Azeri, Azeri RU, Balkan, Belarus, Crimean UA, Crimean RU, Crimean TA, English, Georgian RU, Hungarian, Kazakh, Kazakh RU, Kosovo, Kyrgyz, Kyrgyz RU, Macedonian, Moldovan, North
Caucasus AV, North Caucasus CH, North Caucasus CI, Romanian, Russian, Tajik, Tajik RU, Tatar Bashkir, Turkmen, Ukrainian and Uzbek.
Skolar Sans PE Extralight Latin
Skolar Sans PE Extralight Cyrillic
Skolar Sans PE Extralight Italic Latin
Skolar Sans PE Extralight ItalicCyrillic
Skolar Sans PE Condensed Extralight Latin
Skolar Sans PE Condensed Extralight Cyrillic
Skolar Sans PE Latin
Skolar Sans PE Cyrillic
Skolar Sans PE Italic Latin
Skolar Sans PE Italic Cyrillic
Skolar Sans PE Bold Latin
Skolar Sans PE Bold Cyrillic
Skolar Sans PE Bold ItalicLatin
Skolar Sans PE Italic Cyrillic
Skolar Sans PE Condensed Latin
Skolar Sans PE Condensed Cyrillic
Skolar Sans PE Condensed Bold Latin
Skolar Sans PE Condensed Bold Cyrillic
4.1.3 Merriweather
Used for: English language services only.
Merriweather LightLatin
Merriweather Light Italic Latin