Brand Overview illustration


Welcome to the Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Brand Standards website. Here you can find all visual elements that make our brand unique, and how to properly adhere to its use. Establishing and implementing consistent and effective brand identity standards is crucial to building trust and credibility with our audience.

1. Brandmark

1.1 Primary Brandmark

The primary brandmark consists of two elements 1) the torch and 2) the logotype (RFE/RL's English Language brandmark is shown below). These two elements should always appear together. However, there are a few exceptions (see Avatar).

Primary Brandmark

This brandmark was designed with aspects such as spacing, proportion and orientation in mind and should never be typeset, recreated, or altered in any way other than displayed here.

PLEASE NOTE > In use cases where the maximum height of the brandmark is less than 14 mm / 40px, the compact brandmark must be used.

1.2 Compact Brandmark

The compact brandmark is an alternative to the primary brandmark and must be used when the height space is less than 13 mm / 37px. It has a larger logotype (font size) in proportion to the torch which aids in legibility.

Compact Brandmark
Brandmark Files
What's Inside?
  • Primary brandmark for Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty (English Service)
  • Compact brandmark for Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty (English Service)

1.3 Service Brandmarks

The English Service brandmark with the logotype Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty must be used when representing the organization as a whole. However, there are separate language service brandmarks that should be used when representing a specific RFE/RL language service.

All guidelines mentioned for the English Service primary brandmark also apply to all language service brandmarks.

1.3.1 Services with Left-To-Right Language

Armenian Service
Armenian Service (Russian language)
Azadi Service (English language)
Azeri Service
Azeri Service (Russian language)
Balkan Service
Belarus Service
Bulgarian Service
Crimean Service (Russian language)
Crimean Service (Tatar language)
Crimean Service (Ukrainian language)
Georgian Service
Georgian Service (Russian language)
Hungarian Service
Kazakh Service
Kazakh Service (Russian language)
Kosovo Unit
Kyrgyz Service
Kyrgyz Service (Russian language)
Macedonian Service
Moldovan Service
North Caucasus Service (Russian language)
North Caucasus Service (Chechen language)
Persian Service (Radio Farda English)
Romanian Service
Russian Service
Sever Realii
Siberian Service
Tajik Service
Tajik Service (Russian language)
Tatar Service
Tatar Service (Russian language)
Turkmen Service
Turkmen Service(Russian language)
Ukrainian Service
Uzbek Service
Uzbek Service (Russian language)

1.3.2 Services with Right-To-Left Language

For service sites with text which reads from right-to-left, the service brandmarks appear with the torch on the right hand side of the logotype and should be aligned to the right. All other guidelines apply, including the exclusion zone. Never horizontally flip the orientation of the torch. Always use the approved brandmarks provided by the design department.

Persian Service (Radio Farda)
Afghan Service(Pashto language)
Afghan Service (Dari language)
Pakistani Service

1.4 Exclusion Zone

In order for all elements of the primary brandmark to be visible and legible, it must be placed with the appropriate amount of white space around it. This area is known as the ‘exclusion zone’. The example below shows the amount of space needed from the edge of the torch element to the end of the logotype. When two brandmarks are placed next to one another, the exclusion zone is doubled (30% total).

Primary Brandmark
Compact brandmark

Please note > The exclusion zone is 15% the size of the highest element in brandmark (torch). For example: A brandmark with the height of 100px will have an exclusion zone of 15px.

Do not use the brandmark without an exclusion zone!

1.5 Avatar


An avatar can be used where there is insufficient space to use the primary or compact brandmark. It must be accompanied by a service name in the text somewhere on the page for context/reference.

The Avatar can be used in the following cases:

  1. Social media profile
  2. Mobile apps

1.5.1 Avatar Exclusion Zone

The same rule applies. The exclusion zone is 15% the size of the torch.

Avatar Files
What's Inside?
  • FLAME avatar on transparent background (universal for all services)
  • IVORY avatar on FLAME background (universal for all services)

1.6 Color Variants

The brandmark is built from Brand colors (for references, see #color-palette) and the primary variant consists of the FLAME torch and TEAL logotype on an IVORY background. A white (transparent) background is also allowed. If the primary brandmark cannot be used, there are several alternative options, including one-color, reversed, and mono versions.

Primary Brandmark

One-Color Brandmark

The Torch element in IVORY can be placed on a FLAME and TEAL background only.

Reversed Brandmark

The Torch element in FLAME with IVORY logotype is an alternative option for usage on a TEAL background.

Mono Brandmark

For B/W printing only. Do NOT use on any color background.

1.7 Background Usages

It is essential for the brandmark to maintain legibility by having high contrast with the background, therefore we have created a scale to follow.

The primary brandmark is used only on an IVORY or white (transparent) background up to a 20% black background.



On a 30% to 100% black background, use the white (transparent) brandmark option. For B/W printing only.









1.8 Brandmark Misuse

The brandmark should never be recreated, recolored, distorted, or reorganized in any way. The correct use of the brandmark is specified in the previous pages. See the examples below of incorrect ways to use the primary/compact brandmarks and avatar. These rules also apply to all of the language service brandmarks.

The torch should never appear on the right of the service logotype (except for right-to-left brandmarks).

Do not recreate the logotype using a random font.

The brandmark should always be accompanied by the torch. The logotype should never stand on its own.

The Torch avatar should be in RFE/RL FLAME only; IVORY on FLAME, TEAL, or black is also accepted.

Never horizontally flip the torch for any reason.

Do not place a border or box around the torch or brandmark.

Do not change the orientation of the logotype to fit on one line.

The brandmark should never be placed transparently on a dark background as this impairs visibility.

Do not change the proportional size of the torch in comparison to the logotype, or overlay the logotype on top of the torch.

Do not use dark drop shadows, outlines, or an outer glow behind or around the brandmark.

Do not duplicate the torch and group them together in various sizes.

Torch element in IVORY can be placed on a FLAME and TEAL

Do not change the proportion of the torch to the logotype.

Do not add a colored and underlined url link underneath the logotype.

Do not tilt the brandmark to any degree.

Do not change the size of just one line of the brandmark or change the orientation.

Do not stretch, squeeze, or distort the brandmark.

Do not place brandmarks side by side without doubling the exclusion zone.

The brandmark should never be displayed in other color combination then described in “Allowed color variants” (see above).

1.9 Image Placment Use

The use of the brandmark on photographs can by tricky. In order to protect the brand and relay the message of the image, both elements need careful placement. Not only should the exclusion zone apply, but the most visible version of the brandmark should be placed in an area of the image where it is legible.

The example above shows the brandmark placed in an area where there is high contrast so it is easily legible and not competing with elements in the background.

If the image is busy and has no “safe” area, then use a separate solid background (see Background usages).

1.9.1 Image Placement Misuse

Brandmark must have high contrast and must not merge with the surrounding photo.

Brandmark should be placed in top or bottom, left or right, should never be placed randomly or centered.

Brandmark must not cover important features in the image (on face) or use an incorrect version of the brandmark (see Brandmark colors).

Brandmarks cannot overlap an author’s mark (photo credit, caption). This breaks the “exclusion zone” rule.

2. Color Palette

Color is an essential element to strong branding. It distinguishes, defines, and characterizes brand identity.

The primary brand colors consist of two levels: main colors and supporting colors. While the main colors are derived from the existing RFE/RL colors, the supporting colors are new. They have been added to highlight the main colors and make them shine.

2.1 Primary brand colors

The Primary Palette consists of three main colors: FLAME, TEAL, and IVORY as well as two supporting colors, STONE and TENDER. FLAME is the core of our brand identity and should appear whenever possible to immediately identify our brand.

Main colors
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#FF5400Copy to clipboard

RGB 255/84/00

CMYK 0/80/100/0

PANTONE Orange 021 C

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#1A3948Copy to clipboard

RGB: 26/57/72

CMYK 90/67/51/45


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#F8F7F6Copy to clipboard

RGB 248/247/246

CMYK 2/1/2/0


Supporting colors
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#B9CCCCCopy to clipboard

RGB 185/204/204

CMYK 27/11/17/0

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#F3D4D6Copy to clipboard

RGB 243/212/214

CMYK 3/18/8/0

2.2 Color blending

In addition, all five brand colors can be blended with each other. This creates harmonious intermediate tones that match the brand design and visual identity. Blended brand colors can be useful to create advanced color tones necessary for graphics, maps, and illustrations. This grants designers the freedom to create on-brand graphics while adhering to brand standards.

Flame > TEAL


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Flame > IVORY


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PLEASE NOTE > The blend colors shown above are only examples, fewer or more intermediate shades are possible to create with the blending method. For more details see Style guide. Note that only the five primary brand colors may be blended.

2.3 Secondary colors

For greater scope in graphic design and to display a wide range of information, secondary colors can be used. These colors cover the entire color wheel and have been carefully selected to harmonize with RFE/RL’s primary brand colors. Secondary colors are to be used as a compliment to the primary colors, so take care to use sparingly and in tandem.

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#FFC047Copy to clipboard

RGB 255/192/71

CMYK 0/27/83/0


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#A4DE9BCopy to clipboard

RGB 164/222/155

CMYK 36/0/51/0


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#5BCCA3Copy to clipboard

RGB 91/204/163

CMYK 60/0/48/0


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#A1DDDDCopy to clipboard

RGB 161/221/221

CMYK 35/0/15/0


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#80C5DFCopy to clipboard

RGB 128/197/223

CMYK 47/6/7/0


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#55A2CECopy to clipboard

RGB 85/162/206

CMYK 65/23/6/0


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#EA3713Copy to clipboard

RGB 234/55/19

CMYK 2/93/100/1


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#E5397ACopy to clipboard

RGB 229/57/122

CMYK 4/93/54/0


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#A0157FCopy to clipboard

RGB 160/21/127

CMYK 44/90/21/3


3. Typography

The correct use of typography helps to unify and strengthen brand identity. By using the styles within the font family, it provides unified contrast and hierarchy to content. Skolar and Skolar Sans are the primary font families to be used in RFE/RL's branding materials and design elements (print materials, web banners, web advertisements, etc.). Unfortunately, not all RFE/RL languages are available within the Skolar and Skolar Sans font family. In these cases, we have identified alternative font families, outlined below.

3.1 Latin and Cyrillic Scripts

Used for Latin and Cyrillic language services: Afghan ENG, Armenian RU, Azeri, Azeri RU, Balkan, Belarus, Bulgarian, Crimean UA, Crimean RU, Crimean TA, English, Georgian RU, Hungarian, Kazakh, Kazakh RU, Kosovo, Kyrgyz, Kyrgyz RU, Macedonian, Moldovan, North Caucasus AV, North Caucasus CH, North Caucasus CI, Romanian, Russian, Tajik, Tajik RU, Tatar Bashkir, Turkmen, Ukrainian and Uzbek.

3.1.1 Skolar


3.1.2 Skolar Sans


3.2 Georgian Script

Used for: Georgian language service; DejaVu Sans to be used only as webfont and BPG Nino Mtavruli only to be used for static images and print materials.

3.2.1 DejaVu Sans and BPG Nino Mtavruli

DejaVu Sans
BPG Nino
BPG Nino Bold

3.3 Armenian Script

Used for: Armenian language service only.

3.3.1 Arian AMU

3.4 Arabic Script

Used for: Persian, Afghan PA, Afghan FA and Pakistani language services.

3.4.1 Vazirmatn


4. Complete Brand Standards

All style guides are available on SharePoint and accessible for download for all RFE/RL staff.

RFE/RL Brand Standards
What's Inside?
  • News Identity Style Guide: Video graphic elements for all platforms, language services, and digital newscasts and shows.
  • Show Style Guide: Broadcast design and show packaging.
  • Social Media Style Guide: Variety or social media platforms.
  • Infographics and Maps Style Guide: Data visualizations and maps using Datawrapper and other tools.